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How To Check Your Balance In MTN Mobile Money Account


A resourceful guide on how to check your MTN Mobile Money balance on your handheld device(Mobile Phone) with the super fast and easy way to know your balances in your MTN Mobile Money Wallet.

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As stated earlier, that MTN Mobile Money is a sort of banking system on mobile device which enables users the access to save/deposit money, send and receive money anytime and anywhere through mobile phone within some seconds.With Mobile Money, it gives/enables you to carry along all your money saved in your account from your mobile phone, and also have the perfect control over it. Mobile Money stands as the only way to enjoy your financial service on your mobile phone anytime and anywhere you are in Ghana even though there are other mobile money platforms like Tigo Cash, Airtel Money and now Vodafone has launched a mobile money service known as VodaCash but I love MTN MObile Money in terms of how simple it is in usage.

According to MTN Ghana, you can;
  • Check your balances in your mobile money wallet
  • Check your mini statement to ensure your account is correct.
In other to check your MTN Mobile Money account balance, you need to know the steps and rules that are involved because during the registration for MTN Mobile M0ney, the terms and conditions is a must known for you.

In this guide, I am going to provide you with 2 practical and delightful way to check your mobile money account safely. One is throug the use of MyMTN Service from the phone Menu and the second is the use of the short code for MTN Mobile Money.

1st Step(Phone Menu)

  1. Go to Mobile Phone Menu
  2. Select My MTN Service
  3. Go to Mobile Money(MM)
  4. Scroll down and select My Wallet
  5. Select Check Balance and enter your MM pin code
  6. Wait for some seconds and you will see a screen shot of this
Current Balance:
GHC XX.XX(the amount)
Available balance:

2nd Step (Short Code)

  1. Dial *170# and send
  2. Select My Wallet with #5
  3. Select Check balance with #1
  4. Reply and enter your MM 4 digit pin code
  5. Wait for some seconds to see the results. 
Now you are done with it!
With the above tips given, it helps you know the current balance in your Mobile Money Wallet. I bet you that there is no where you will find this only, on this tech blog about I.C.T in Ghana.

Time and tide waits for no man, so always take the necessary need to read this article and also take your time when reading or if possible, let your mobile phone be on your side to make the practice involve when reading to be master in it.

I believe in one Japanese Proverbs "I will Master In Something, Then the creativity will come" and believe it or not, it is true as said so I recommend you to always visit this tech blog about latest updates on technology apps, reviews, tips and tricks, latest jobs and careers, I.C.T News in Ghana and all around.

I humbly thank you for your co-operation by visiting this tech blog in Ghana.

Do you have any idea, suggestions, or anything you want to share about mobile money?
Then you are freely to share with us on this blog.


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