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Adu Gyamfi S.H.S Introduces Internet Study Mate

Adu Gyamfi Senior High School Introduces Internet Study Mate for students.   
You are kindly welcome to the passionate tech blog in Ghana that is interested in provision of its content readers with articles in the category of tech app, review, best I.CT tips and tricks, latest I.C.T job opportunities and careers, I.C.T news in Ghana and around and today is another day for the provision of I.C.T news in the country Ghana. One of the popular senior high schools in Ghana, named Adu Gyamfi Senior High, has taken the effort to introduce.
 Internet Study Mate for students to enjoy the usage  and the benefit of I.C.T in learning. The invention of technology device, gadgets and
the internet, has made learning soo simple and with an easy generated method as compared to the olden days of learning in schools.
  Some of the examples of the technology devices or tools which can help students in learning are Computer, Internet, Mobile Phone and many more. There are more but with the above given, its the major
I.C.T devices or tools which are used for learning with the best and easy way than the normal or previous learning ways.  Now,the news on board is that, Adu Gyamfi Senior High School has introduced Internet Study Mate for
students to partake in the online forum of discussion based on their course of study and topic. With the introduction of the Internet Study Mate, this will help students in schools and across various schools to
get in touch with new friends that are found in different schools with
the help of the internet.  The information was announced by the assistant headmaster on the 26th of June which was last friday during the morning section held at the assemble hall of the school. The headmaster stated it clearly that, the students are to meet after classes section which is closing time, at the assemble hall
for the commencement of the programme. Aside this, the assist. headmaster gave some clear reasons to students on why they should take part and register for the programme. One his statement, he said it will enable students to get in touch with other course-mates that are found in other schools in the country.After closing assemble, everything concerning the registration of this programme began at the assemble hall in which students were called and given a form to fill in their particulars to be submitted to take their photographs.Apart from this, the distributor of the forms who is in charge of the I.T department, helped the students throughout how
they can fill the form.   To talk about the Internet Study Mate, what is it?   Internet Study Mate is an internet based software which is an online programme for senior high students to enhance their learning with the help of I.C.T.    

 On the other hand, Internet Study. Mate is an online or web based portal which is designed whereby
students join by signing-up and log-in  to interact with other students that are registered across the country. S.H.S. is not like an ordinary basic education or any type of kindergarten whereby there is less population of students but S.H.S is rather an institution that consist of a large number or population of students and there is no
way to you can interact with such great number of people but you can get in touch with them with the online education platform which stands as a social media website brand for students. In summary, I.C.T in education is the best way students can learn and interact with other colleagues in various schools with the given

This is the total report regarding, Adu Gyamfi S.H.S introduces Internet Study Mate for students.
Hope this article helps, kindly share with friends and relatives for awareness and for fun with the share buttons below


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